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Multi-job insurance

Save by covering all jobs under one policy

Cover multiple jobs with your policy and save 10% off our cut of your loot. Multi-job insurance is a way to cover all your getaway cars under a single policy. There’s one price for them all, which means less paperwork. One multi-job policy can include different types of cover with individual add-ons and excesses. Each getaway driver has their own no claim discount. So, if one vehicle crashes, the discounts for everyone else won’t be affected.

With Wheelman Multi-job insurance, you can save by insuring several types of jobs with one combined policy

Bank job and jewellery heist

Combining a job at the bank with snatching something sparkly could save you a 10% cut

Bank job and post office robbery

Mixing a bank job with a pop at your local post office could save you a 1%% cut.

Post office robbery and Safety Deposits theft

Combine a post office robbery and safety deposits theft and save yourself a 15% cut.

Security van snatch and Safety Deposits theft

Mixing a security van snatch and safety deposits theft and save yourself a 15% cut.

Bank job, jewellery heist, and cash grab

Adding a cash grab to a bank job and jewellery heist will save you a 20% cut.

Train robbery, cash grab, and Safety Deposits

Combine a train robbery with a cash grab and safety deposits theft and save a 20% cut.

Save up to 20% per job

Save money, time, and paperwork by insuring several jobs with one combined policy.

Free quote. That’s a steal

What type of job are you planning to pull?

Common questions

Customer stories

High-speed chase ends in crash

A high-speed car chase ended in a spectacular crash with police cars following and helicopters hovering overhead. Luckily, our customer had taken out Wheelman insurance. We collected and disposed of the getaway car and reimbursed them for the loot they left behind. Our high speed claims process ensured a speedy settlement, getting them ready to pull off their next heist.

Bank robbery gone wrong

A car chase turned into a disaster when the getaway vehicle lost control, hurtling into a wall spilling the customer’s loot all over the road. Fortunately, our customer had taken out Wheelman insurance so we reimbursed them for their lost loot.

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